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Welcome to Angelo Store Ubud
"Share, Care, & Be Positive"

Angelo Store is a shop in Ubud Bali with touches of traditional & warmth of families service. Produce which are inspired from the traditional, experiences of a family who love the natural herbs in Bali. We create natural products such as skin care, hair, healthy drink such as herbal teas as well as the tradition natural medichine.

    One of our goal is always to share & do positive things to anyone and also try to help people with natural beauty & herbal medichine. A home indrustry is working with positive tradition, inspiration, implementation, giving & sharing.  Which are supporting by lovely heart of house wife’s, young generations and also childreen’s or students. There is no using chemical is taken from natural herb’s,  hopefully our products can using is well, to helps people in healing & treatment’s.

    We managed many farmer are planting & growing in organic farm, using recycling of new paper being shopping bag “NO PLASTIC”  handmade create from childreen & students. Back to Natural, Go Green are one of our concept, also using original herb’s be the basic for Angelo Store Product’s are no cuting the tree, but we improve many plant to keep growing. such as coconut oil, aloevera, seaweed, cocoa butter, Balinese original of leafs, flower’s, spice’s, root, bark, seed and explore with some heb’s from other country to additional supporting in aroma’s like tea tree, lavender, etc. All the product’s we make are created from heart & Made with LOVE,, & LOVE.

You can find the Angelo Store at:
1. Main Store
Jl. Sugriwa no.10 Ubud
2. Angelo Store Suksma
Jl. Suksma no.15x, Tebesaya Ubud
3. Angelo Store Dewi Sita
Jl Dewi Sita n0.1x Ubud


Featured | Sugriwa street no.10 Ubud, Bali 80571 | e :
phone : +62361 903 1907 | hp: +6285 739 121 017